Just totally awesome.
Author: ericdano
David Erato On His Clarinet “Journey”
Ok, I hijacked the title from Bret Primentel’s blog entry about it. (read his summary on Davd’s article. It’s good)
David Erato decided he wanted to get better on clarinet. So, he set up a regimen to do just that.
“The idea as a “doubler” is to make whatever instrument is in your hand not feel like a foreign object. One should really study the instrument as if it is the only instrument you play. Practice the same method books, etudes, solos, as a clarinetist in a symphony once did. Jump through the same hoops and walk the same path traditional clarinetists do. “
I did something similar about 8 years ago with Oboe……
Mass User Purge
Over December, my sites were hit with a TON of spam users registering. And they post stories about viagra for sale and whatnot. I decided to purge any users without any comments or posts, and implement a CAPTCHA for new registrations to help cut down on the spam.
Thanks for understanding.
Dan Higgins Tearing It Up
If you don’t know who Dan Higgins is, then now is time to get acquainted with him. You have probably heard him before….on movies, soundtracks, everywhere. He’s like the 1st on call guy in LA.
Andy Firth Plays Sing Sing Sing
Great jazz clarinetist from the land down under!
Edit: He took down the original video, but here is another
Inauguration Performance Was Taped
From Yahoo News:
“Washington – Whether you loved or hated the classical music played at President Barack Obama’s inauguration, unless you were sitting within earshot of the celebrated quartet, what you heard was a recording made two days earlier.”
“They were very insistent on playing live until it became clear that it would be too cold,” said Florman in a telephone interview Thursday night.”
Yeah, I don’t blame them at all. It was a great John Williams arrangement though. Here is the actual performance.
Mitchell Lurie Dies
From the LA Times
“Mitchell Lurie, a world-renowned clarinetist and clarinet teacher who taught for many years at USC and the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, has died. He was 86.”
Another titian of the Clarinet passes on.
Doctor’s Products
The Doctor’s Products website is a great place to get clarinet stuff. Bore oil, etc, etc. The Klarinet list had a lengthy post from someone praising the Doctor’s new oil. Grenad-Oil®, from the product page, is
Use ‘Nature’s Way’ to oil your intrument with genuine Grenadilla Oil. Grenad-Oil® is absorbed quickly and completely into fine wood instruments and is the choice for the discerning musician that wants to add back exactly the same oil lost over time to their instruments.
Over the summer I bought a bunch of stuff from the good doctor, including his other bore oil, wood cleaner, and some other things. Oiling the bore of my clarinet was rather painless, but using the wood cleaner really scared me. It basically turned my clarinet a different color, light brownish I believe it was. In a panic, I put some of the bore oil on a rag and proceeded to oil the outside to get the clarinet back to a more “clarinet” color. Whew.
Anyhow, The Doctor’s stuff is worth checking out. So check it out!
Beats Beatboxing On Flute?
This video was making the rounds on various music email lists.
While its a great performance, it is still isn’t as cool, in my book, as Beatboxing on the Flute.
II-V-I Patterns For Clarinet
I finally got around to tweaking my huge collection of II-V-I patterns for clarinet. Enjoy.
II-V-I Patterns for Bb Clarinet (4.8 MiB, 1,175 hits)
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II-V-I Patterns for Bb Clarinet Pages 1 to 100 (1.7 MiB, 1,908 hits)
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II-V-I Patterns for Bb Clarinet Pages 101 to 200 (1.8 MiB, 822 hits)
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II-V-I Patterns for Bb Clarinet Pages 201 to 286 (1.4 MiB, 832 hits)
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